About Aim your travel

  Aim your travel is a community of travel bloggers fro all around the world. We provide reviews about various travel destinations, delicious foods, travel series and lots more. We are just at the peak of the iceberg and we are just getting started with this. As we said this blog is beginning of something that's sort of new. We are updating the blog with daily interesting articles and we assure you that you will not get bored in any way.

Unlike other travel blogs, the diversity of travel bloggers we have is the main attraction. We have a community of certified travel bloggers all around the world even you can be a part of this at any time. Due to the large diversity, We are able to provide articles about a broad range of topics.We are trying to update with daily posts about new destinations, new travel series, new food that you haven't tried before and lots more to come we also provide information given by top travel booking sites so that you can choose the right travel package for your trip.

Our goal is to provide every traveler with a seamless experience in knowing  new places, cultures and lots more 

Aim your travel Blog Team

 Member Roles
 Abey Mathew Reviewer, Admin
 Jesmil Siby Reviewer, Admin
 Naveen Sajan Content Editor
 Akhil Hobby Media Support
 Arun Saji  Content Editor
 Danny M Siby Media Support
 Jinu Mon Joseph Photography
 Danny M Siby Media Support